The Open Bar Florence

The new customizable concept for the beverage area of private and corporate events.

The Open Bar Florence reaps the benefits of almost twenty years of experience in the world of events and bars to position itself in the market as a reference for an exclusive, customized and completely hand made.

We take care of the complete management of the bar area: from the assembly of the counter, to the beverage set-up, up to the service.

We chose to work in the world of events because we love to leave our mark with our accurate and involved professionalism.

A smile is our hallmark. Serving satisfied customers is what motivates us more than anything else.

The Open Bar Florence is sytnonymous with customization.

With us you can choose:

  • - the counter that best enhances the atmosphere of your event
  • - the type of beverage set-up
  • - service options Basic, Medium, Luxury
  • - the exclusive package Tuscany experience, to delight you with a fine selection of only Tuscany products
  • - the NEW Mixology Package, with different and home made proposals created by our bartenders

Contact us to create an exclusive event!

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